Message from the Principal

Dear Allison Families,

We would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation these last few weeks. Seeing students back on campus has been such a source of joy and inspiration for us. We know that this has been a very different school year, and the Phase-In process has been challenging. We continue to adapt and adjust to make this entire experience as safe, easy and effective as possible for our students, families, and staff members.

We continue to follow strict Health screening guidelines. Parents please do not send your child to school if:

  • They are not feeling well: fever, cough, stomach pain, body ache, sneezing…
  • If someone in your home has tested positive for COVID 19
  • If someone in your home is waiting for test results for COVID 19

This week we start a new grading period. It is very important that your child turn in their assignments in order to receive a grade. Teachers are giving students multiple opportunities to turn-in assignments. Please speak to your child teacher if you have any questions on assignments that are due.

With the start a new 9 week parents have the option to change the educational setting of your child from virtual to on-campus or from on-campus to virtual. Only one change can be made per 9 weeks. Because of our classroom capacity if you choose to come face to face you may be on a waiting list. Any changes need to be made by November 2nd. After that date you child needs to remain in that educational setting until the end of the nine weeks December 18th.

We would like to just review some of the important procedures and guidelines for our Drop-Off and Dismissal.

At designated stations: 7:15 - 7:45 am. Front Office: 7:45 – 8:00 am

In order to keep our building safe, we will NOT accept students later than 8:00 am.

Please arrive on time
-If early, please drive into the designated area.
-DO NOT block entrance to Teacher Parking Lot.
-Students walking to School (*NEW*)
-Please go to the area with Trees and Big Rocks by the corner of Ponca and Vargas streets to check in.

• Dismissal
o Please have Color Paper with student’s grade and teacher name on your dashboard. This makes it easier and faster for staff members to locate the student to dismiss effectively.
o Staggered Schedule
2:30 pm - Pre-K
3:00 pm - Kinder & 1st Grade
3:05 pm – 2nd, 3rd,
3:10 pm - 4th Grade
3:15 pm – 5th Grade

If you have students at multiple stations, it’s encouraged to wait to pick up until the latest drop off time. For example, if you are picking up a Kinder, 1st, and 3rd grade student, arrive at 3:10 pm to pick up the 3rd grader first, and then move down the line to pick up Kinder and 1st grade students.

Car Lanes
-We have two lanes open when you drive into the parking lot to decongest traffic. It is VERY IMPORTANT to leave those two lanes open for traffic to drive around the main line. If you are on the right side, please remain as far right to the curb as possible, when you are turning left into the pick-up line.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Mrs. Molina, Principal